Afraid to make yourself heard?
Especially if you feel the urge and need to express yourself.
You want to have the courage to show yourself. To be your authentic you. In contact with others.
But how?
Discover in 3 sessions
Emotional freedom by using your voice
Inner freedom through voice
“The Wow-feeling”
he says.
It’s his answer to the question what he wants to take home after the session.
There seems some kind of inner longing for… I ask him:
Do you want to make us witness of the inner energy you feel right now? Just breath in, and use your whole breath to sound with your voice.
He looks around, sees everyone in the circle and then…
“Wauw!” a short sound comes out his mouth.
I get the feeling that there’s so much more energy that wants to have space…
“And? Did you force yourself to make this sound? Or did you rather hold back?” I ask him.
“Well, there was more sound in me than I let heard.” he says.
“Allright, Everybody in the circle: step a way and get yourself ready for this man. Ground yourself, take a deep breath. Are we ready to hold this mans energy together?”
While the group gives permission by remaining silence, but fully present to this moment, I’m looking into the mans twinkelings eyes.
He inhales very deep, his whole body full of passion:
A roaring sound fills the space, ending in an intense fixed singing tone.
“haa…” “whooo…”
The relief of both him and the whole group is massive.
As well as the joy.
Everyone laughs and feels that one invitation.
The invitation to give sound to what lives inside.
To SingInsideOut
To get out
Go inside
Free of judgement

My name is Anna Liem.
Since 2011 I’m a music therapist and since 2017 I developed SingInsideOut – Emotional freedom through voice.
Using the Handpan (the UFO on my lap), guitar and voice I’ll guide you to your willingness to fully give space to what lives inside of you.
Sounding, Singing, has 5 dimensia
Which pillar(s) do you feel related to?
Click on the title to get more explanation.
Connection, attachment, contact
Through SingInsideOut exercises, you will get in contact with yourself.
That’s the starting point to then turn outside. To your environment.
You voice is the bridge between your inner world and your outer world.
Beauty, Harmony,
Surely you know that you can enjoy the beauty of music and singing.
There is music in each of us.
There is beauty in each of us.
However, when you start to focus on the result, it may just be that you don’t feel free at all.
For example, many people have received the message that they ‘cannot sing’. As soon as you can let go of the result, and sing from the inside out, you will find that beauty.
Singing judgment-free from your feelings and thoughts, instead of focusing on the results and listening to thoughts and old messages as ‘I have to perform’ ‘it has to sound well’ ‘I’m singing false notes’, ‘I better shut my mouth’, etcetera.
Experiencing the mystical feeling of wholeness when you sing.
It is also called singing from your soul, contact with the Source, with the divine, with the Universe.
Singing and joy. Or: sing your joy.
Singing (together) is joyful.
A balance is created between all basic needs: 1. be autonomous
2. feel connection with the other
3. experiencing self-esteem
4. experience pleasure
By noticing what lives inside, and making room for what wants to be heard, in a safe setting, you will heal yourself.
Inner freedom.
SingInsideOut, not for everyone…
Do you dare to get inside?
Do the check
Check Step 1
The total costs of 3 sessions are €255,-
Might be shocking?
Not if you immediately see that this is an investment in yourself, in your personal development, you see it is actually so much worth more.
– take a conscious breath and visualize what it would be like if you started this 3-sessions-journey.
– close your eyes and notice what you feel, see, experience.
– open your eyes and breathe again very consciously. Go to step 2.
Check step 2
– take a breathe again.
– close your eyes and imagine what it would be like if you did not make this journey of liberating yourself through voice.
– Notice how that feels. How does your body feel? What are the sensations?
– go to step 3.
Check step 3
– Again: take a breath.
– close your eyes and ask yourself: Do I want to invest in this, yes or no? Notice your very first hunch. Was it a Yes? Or a No?
Whatever answer it was, that’s your answer.
Check step 4: last check
‘buts’ happen by chance.
Yes, but… No, but…
Your ’thinking’ wants reassurance and control.
Your Mind wants to protect you.
Sometimes external reassurance is nice.
For example, consult with a loved one, so that you can make a well-considered choice. You can also send me an email with your thoughts and feelings: anna@annaliem.nl
3x 1 to 1 sessions via videocall
comes along with
All recorded mantras
(worth €20,-)
Booklet with lyrics and chords
(worth €12,50)
Extra cadeau 3
3 Aftercare session(s) discount
€255,- >>> 199,-
Connection with your compass
Giving space in a safe environment
Fear gives way to trust and letting go
A unique process, authentic & together
Letting life come as it comes: a present waiting to be unpacked
“What a relief. Very liberating and full of fun. You can playfully experiment and experience how your voice sounds and what you want to sing about. Or what sound you want to make. And also as very safe and trusted.
There is clearly a structure in the sessions, it is based on study and knowledge and you feel very well guided despite the freedom.
I also followed SingInsideOut in group: It is very special to notice that everyone who participates is equal to each other. Whether you can sing or not. Whether you are young or old. Man or woman. All those differences disappear and you mainly look for how you can complement each other and build on each other in terms of sound. Give your voice a chance and discover what sound is inside you. Anyone can do this and everyone will benefit from it. Anyway, fun and relaxation. go for it!”
“If I’m low in energy for a while, then singing helps me to find strength in myself again. Besides of that energy boost, I can also experience that my voice can be there, I can just Be there. I’m being heard. How nice is it that I get the feeling that I really can show myself and that I am free to challenge myself where I want.
From the relaxation and the self-confidence I get after such a session I notice that I can’t stop singing for the rest of the day.
Thanks to the nice open and warm atmosphere that Anna creates, I was able to perceive myself to the core and express this through my voice. Thank you Anna for this great experience!”
“Even though I’v been on stage since I was 18 (40 now), I found it exciting to just sing from my gut without a plan.
I am very critical of myself when I perform. At the SingInsideOut I was able to let go of this on my own tempo. And now I feel freer with my voice.
It is great that Anna also offers an online program with her voice as guidance. That way I always have the exercises at hand and I can repeat them whenever I want.”
“I enjoyed the online sessions. When I am alone behind the computer, I am able to make my voice heard better and that’s nice to experience.”
” Your voice is fine and you play the guitar beautifully, very soothing.
What I also really liked was the relationship between talking and music. I can imagine that it can be a valuable addition to their treatment for some of my clients.”
“Anna Liem knows how to create a pleasant, safe environment with her musicality and warm personality. With her sometimes vulnerable openness, she invites you to be open too and to explore the limits of your comfort zone. Nothing is forced. But you want to go for it.
With SingInsideOut a few days behind me, I’m starting to realize more and more how much I’ve accomplished.